Most of you
know I have been practicing yoga for some time now. I’d like to tell you about
an experience I had two weeks ago (this is not to undermine yoga’s ability to
deliver ‘an experience’ every single time). I was ‘locked in’ – a phrase I like
to use to imply I have been studying all day; hence I needed a release break. I
put my mat on the floor and started. I am not completely sure what it was, but at
one point I started seeing things – like castles in the skies, fields of
flowers and gold, sunshine, all glittering in front of my eyes (even though
what really was there was the sink). What does this mean? Have I gotten used to
being with my SELF? Have I discovered where bliss hides?
I’ve been reading a lot lately. All kinds of written words, sentences, proverbs, pieces of wisdom. I especially liked what one girl wrote on her social media profile: that we are all light, part of the big light, so there is nothing to fear or worry about. We are here to be light, so we shall shine with all we have – smile, be happy and spread joy. And light. I have also been observing a lot – there is plenty to observe and we don’t have to especially go on the hunt and look for it, it is all around us. Just pull your blinders up and you will see pictures being painted before you. Can you imagine yourself standing in a green field talking to a donkey and a horse? No? Then you must try it! I did that a week ago and it was another one of those blissful experiences - the connection with nature and its creatures felt natural and essential even. I felt good and much lighter after conversing with the donkey and caressing the horse on its head (yes, it allowed me!). I can only imagine they felt the same J
Back to urban land, I have noticed something which is considered as kind of normal but is also kind of petrifying. People have got used to getting used. I guess I need to elaborate a little.
You could
put any verb after this sentence and it will probably remain true. I will give
you an example: People have got/are used to… EXPECTING. People have got/are used to… LOVING. People
have got/are used to… TALKING. You see what I mean? Do you notice how even the ‘positive’
note of ‘LOVING’ is lost because people are now used to it, therefore there is
no more flame in it. Talking, on the other hand, was once a useful tool for
communication, which has leveled down to simply an act of passing the time. We
no longer speak about the important stuff because if we do, we might be
excluded from society and titled ‘ODD’. So we remain in society and we follow
the rules of expecting. I know, I was there once not too long ago as well. We
walk through life expecting the next Christmas, another season, our next
birthday. It becomes even more problematic – we have become unable to just go
with it without the frantic need to plan the next thing, step, meal, and meeting. You can hardly find a person just strolling alone with pleasure, not going anywhere, not hurrying for anything in particular. Why did we turn our life into some frantic hunt for the unknown variable? I don't know. What I know and can say with the certainty of someone who's had the experience herself is that such a life could be turned around - in less than a year, even in less than 3 months,
should you REALLY WANT IT TO.
I believe
in taking your life in your hands and building it the way you want it to be. I always
did and had always tried to even though I was not always ready to. Remember –
without a shift in thinking, there could be no shift in attitude. So read,
learn, open your eyes to the other sides of the stories, and make that shift
now. Because every day - in your newly found happy place, matters. Take a moment to live, and live NOW! This has been a marvelous realization for me, I wish it will be for you too.